HISTORY Of yasin
The yasin valley is a high mountain valley in the hiudu kucsh mountains, in the northwest region
Of Gilgit in the northern areas of Pakistan yasin is separated from the ishkoman valley by a high mountain pass, to reach yasin one must take the karakoram highway north from Islamabad , and then left to reach gupis, in ghizar After gupis , one continues northwest to reach the yasin valley,
Yasin has a spectacular natural beauty.
Yasin was Originally ruled by the khushwakhte ,Dynasty ,a lollateral line of the katur Dynasty of chitral,
The rajas of yasin were rest warriors and fought against the Sikhs and the dogras of Kashmir , but the house eventually lost power ,and the Owaership of yasin changed hands several times between the rule of the mehtar of chitral, and the manaraj of Kashmir PEOPLE
The primary language of yasin valley is the Burashaski language , the khowar language is also spoken the majority of the people in yasin are ismaiiles who lead their live according to the Islamic principles more concerned with the imam of the time,Currently Prince karim Aga khan , is the Imam and spiritual leader of the ismailies ,howeres, other sects of islam like ,suni,shia also live yasin ,Ethnically the people of yasin are of brosho orgin, however , there are the migrants from different parts of the country mainly from chitral and even from outside the country like central asia ,
The Forgaotten massacre of yasin-1863
Yasin valley ,about (148 kilometers
) from the city of Gilgit was once a separate state with its own ruluers before
it was occupied by the Dogra rulers of jumma and Kashmir , its Rajs were groat,
warriors who had a history of fighting against and repulsing the armies of the Sikhs
and the dogras Below here is an accont of a massacre of the people of madoori
village in yasin by the dogra soldiers affer
they had attacked the state in 1863, A well known nineteenth century exploere,
George, w Hayward had come the region in 1870 to exlore pamir and to find the origin of
oxus when he met the people of yasin and was told about the havoc wereaked
by the dogras in madoori, village in 1863, In one of his letters to culcatta naws
paper,s he wrothe
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