
HISTORY oF GhiZer ValleY

                           History of Ghizer valley Ghizer District comprised Punial, Gupis, Yasen, Phander and Ishkoman Valleys. The major portion of its area was ruled over by Brooshay Rajas known as Raja Sha Burush, Khan Bahadur Issa Bahadur Akber Khan, Raja Anwar Khan, Raja Mirbaz Khan and last Broosh families Raja Jan Alam and Raja Muzafer (who was living in  Golodass , also known as Anwerabad as its second name). Currently, the living Raja families in the District have no administrative function but act as a leading role in the development of society. Their linkage goes back to Sha Burush. Sha Burush, Sha Katur, and Sha Khushwaqt are three brothers. Historically two main characteristics of the folk dress of Ghizer is the Khoi and the Shokah. The khoi is headgear made of homespun woolen cloths, while the shokah is a homespun woolen cloak reaching to the ankle with long sleeves. The region typically known for its lakes and landscapes.                               (History)   Histo

Kalasha Valleys

  KA LASHA VALLEY                      Pakistan’s government often uses the colorfully dressed Kalash people to demonstrate the diversity of the country. However, today the Kalash people face enormous pressure from surrounding Islamic communities who are pushing toward Islamization of the valleys, one of the valleys already having a Muslim majority. That, coupled with the fact that the valleys are in a region where the Pakistani government has de-facto no control, makes the future of the ancient culture of the Kalashas unknown. The culture of the Kalash people is highly complex, comprised of a belief-system with a multitude of gods and is characterized by rigorous rules regarding taboos, religious ceremonies and animal sacrifices. One of the most unique features of the Kalash people is their relationship with periods. Women retreat into a wooden hut called a Bashali and they can not be touched by otheSince the three valleys are extremely remote, they have more or less successfully r

HISTORY Of yasin

                   HISTORY OF YASIN VALLE y The yasin valley is a high mountain valley in the hiudu kucsh mountains, in the northwest region Of Gilgit in the northern areas of Pakistan yasin is separated from the ishkoman valley by a high mountain pass, to reach yasin one must take the karakoram highway north from Islamabad , and   then left to reach gupis, in ghizar After gupis , one continues northwest to reach the yasin valley, Yasin has a spectacular natural beauty.                                  HISTORY                                Yasin was Originally ruled by the khushwakhte ,Dynasty ,a lollateral line of the katur Dynasty of chitral, The rajas of yasin were rest warriors and fought against the Sikhs and the dogras of Kashmir , but the house eventually lost power ,and the Owaership of yasin changed hands several times between the rule of the mehtar of chitral, and the manaraj of Kashmir                                PEOPLE The primary language of yasin val

History of Astore

                                   History of Astore   Astore is one of the six districts of the Gilgit balistan ,the district contanins the Astore   valley and is bounded to the west by diamer District from which is was separated in (2004) to the north by   skardu District and to the south by Khyber pakhtumkha and Neelum District of Azad Kashmir , According to the populatia was 71,666 The Astore villey has an areas , of 5,092km2 and an attitude of 2600m.                                                                  Accessibity Astore is connected to Gilgit whid is well connected by air with Islamabad  (Weather Dependent) and by road with Islamabad / Rawapindi, sekardu and chitral you cantake of filght to Gilgit from the capital of the country and drive to Astore from and drive to Astore from and Gilgit on metalled road, Astore valley has a moderate climate during summer,In winter it can snow upto  6inches (15m) in the main vallags and upto 2-3 feet (60-90cm) in the mountains

Education in Gilgit baltistan

                     Education in Gilgit baltistan The Gilgit-Baltistan Educational Management Information System (GBEMIS) has been functioning in Education Department since 1998. The main purpose of the GBEMIS is to consolidate and collect education statistics, maintain comprehensive provincial education database, set standards for quality improvement of education data, and provide technical support to the divisional and district EMIS for enhancing their capacity to generate and maintain MIS reports ACADEMICS  The system will be responsive to the needs of individuals as well as society through incorporating emerging knowledge and technologies, linking all its internal elements with the broader external environment, maximizing and utilizing the potential of human resources, and harnessing all social forces towards keeping PLANNING & TECHNICAL CELL The Gilgit-Baltistan will have a dynamic, effective, efficient and equitable education system with gender parity at all levels whi

The HUNZA Village

        THE   HUNZA VALLEY The Hunza region  Hunza area which extends from khizerabad to Nasirabad mainly belongs the people whose local language is shina and central Hunza which extends from Martazaabad to Attabad mainly belo ng to the Burushaki Speakers. The upper Hunza area which is Commonly Knows as Gojal Extends from shiskat to Khunjeras and belongs to wakhi Speakers . Education, According  to a survey held , The Literacy  rate of the Hunza valley proves to be a role model for Pakistan regarding high literacy rate and school Enrollment  where every child to a minimum  Studies up to high school. Of  these , many go to Prestigious   Colleges  and Universities of Pakistan and road to go higher Educations HUNZA Hunza is know as heaven on Earth. It is a beautiful mountain's   valley located in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan is located at the north /west of the hunza river , it is surrounded by several high peaks including  Rakaposhi,hunza peak ,Bojahagur duan


                             HISTORY OF GILGIT BALISTAN 1947 ; THE STATE OF GILGIT On 1 November the state of Gilgit Baltistan is established. the state existed for 15 days Shah Raees was the president of the states of Gilgit. The state of Hunza, Nagar and other rulers of princely states requested Pakistan to take control of the region. The state of Gilgit was abolished on16’ November 1947 and the Frontier crimes Regulation (FCR) was promulgated by Sardar Alam khan, Pakistan,s political agent ,in the             Reforms since 1947…… In  1950 , The federal Government established the ministry of Kashmir Affairs and Northern Areas (KHAN) and transferred the affairs of the Northern Areas  to the Ministry. In 1967 ,Two local political agents were appointed, one each from Gilgit and Baltistan In 1970 ,Northern Areas Advisory Council was formed having 16 members .1974 Bhutton announced creation of Ghizar and Ghanche districts Abolish head state of Hunza and the